Vascular lesions include a range of conditions. Whether it be leg veins, facial veins, angiomas, venous lakes or rosacea, laser and light-based devices have become a viable treatment option to safely and effectively remove and diminish unwanted vascular concerns.
Vascular lesions treatment

The Vascular Market

Vascular lesions are a type of common skin concern, affecting up to 50% of women aged 18 years and older.1 Spider veins, telangiectasias, and diffuse redness may be systemic but are often a result of aging, sun damage or pregnancy. Today, more than 45M individuals are affected by rosacea2, a chronic skin condition. Often mistaken for a sunburn or rosy skin, rosacea presents with redness, visible blood vessels and tiny red bumps that can be compared to acne and often worsens over time.

Cutera Solutions for Unwanted Reds, Browns, Blues, and Purples

Lasers and light-based devices enable providers to effectively treat superficial and deep vascular lesions on the face and body. Cutera’s vascular solutions – excel V and xeo – provide a non-invasive, fast and effective treatment to target unwanted blue, red and purple lesions while sparing the surrounding skin.

1 Medical Insight, Inc. The Global Aesthetic Market Study XV May 2017
